Michael Anthony Howard

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Prayers for All Saints' Day: the Twenty-First Sunday after Pentecost (November 2nd, 2014)

Scripture:Micah 3:5-12 Psalm 43 1 Thessalonians 2:9-13 Matthew 23:1-12

Call to Worship: Leader:    With people from all times and places, People:    God calls us to worship and share together this mystery of life, and faith, and love! Leader: In the company of those well-known and little known, People: God invites us to journey together along this way of mystery, All: For our Lord is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

Opening Prayer: Loving God, as we come to worship: empower us with your Spirit, so that the time we spend together with all the company of heaven, may be a time of love and mutual service, in honor of your presence among us. Amen

Prayer for Illumination: We do not pretend to understand the mystery of the faith to which you have called us. Open our hearts that we may be prepared for the journey, so that, as the scripture is read and your word proclaimed, we may receive with joy what you have for us today. Amen