
“The summary of the gospel in its fullest sense is that God has a dream for the world’s wholeness. Our calling is to embody that dream together.”

—Catch The Vision—
Michael's vision for ministry is to encourage and support people of faith to build communities of justice, joy, compassion, and peace.

Michael likes to think out loud about things that matter. He occasionally posts poems, liturgy, reflections, and sermon notes on at the PacificPilgrim blog.

—Along the Way—
To find out more about God's dream for the world’s wholeness, read the Along the Way sermon blog, or listen to Michael's sermon podcast.
“We won’t save places we don’t love; we can’t love places we don’t know; and we don’t know places we haven’t learned.”

—The Sermons—
Sermon Audio
—The Pacific Pilgrim Blog—
PacificPilgrim Blog

Was it not necessary?