Michael Anthony Howard

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Prayers for Christ the King Sunday, Year A (November 23, 2014)

Scriptures:Ephesians 1:15-23 Matthew 25:31-46

Call to Worship: Leader:         We come, for God gathers us here, with that community called faith: People:       where the hungry are served first,where the thirsty drink life's water. Leader:         We come, for God welcomes us here into that home called grace: People:       where the naked are clothed in robes of hope; where the stranger is embraced as the long-lost prodigal. Leader:         We come, for God reunites us here, sisters and brothers in that family called love: People:       where the imprisoned model justice, where the sick are cradled in God's peace. - From http://lectionaryliturgies.blogspot.com/

Opening Prayer: O God, in Jesus Christ we celebrate your power at work. You raised him from the dead To rule with you forever more. Enlighten the eyes of our hearts, That we may see the hope to which Christ calls us, that we may be the hope for the hungry, the thirsty, the sick, and the needy, and that we may enter your realm of eternal peace. Amen. - Adapted from  Consultation on Common Texts, Revised Common Lectionary Prayers, 2002. P. 217.

Prayer for Illumination: Almighty and everlasting God, you are the giver of the Spirit of wisdom and revelation. It is your will to restore all things to Christ, whom you have anointed priest for ever and ruler of creation. Open the eyes of our hearts this morning, and teach us to know the hope to which you have called us, so that we might learn to see you in the face of those in need around us. Amen - Adapted from “Christ the King,” United Methodist Hymnal (1989), 721.

Prayer of Confession: We confess to you, our King of Majesty and Justice, what we are. We are not the people we like others to think we are. We are afraid to admit, even to ourselves, what lies at the depths of our souls. We have failed in our calling to be your holy people, a people set apart by hope for your purposes of justice and healing. We live more in apathy born of fatalism than in passion born of hope. We are moved more by private ambition than by social justice. We dream more of privilege and benefits than of service and sacrifice. Reshape our hearts and lives for your Kingdom, that we can live, and move, and dream according to that hope to which you have called us. Forgive us, revive us, and mold us in your image. Amen.

Words of Assurance: Hear the Good News: God has granted a glorious inheritance for his holy people. If you are in need, our God is with you. If you have been blessed, God has called you. For God is our King, and his ways are ways of peace and healing. Thanks be to God! We are called to be a people of peace and healing. Amen.