Posts in Easter
A Covenant of Peace
Peace Dove, from Street Art and Graffiti in Santiago de Chile (Part 1), by Yasha Langford and Juergen Klein. []

Peace Dove, from Street Art and Graffiti in Santiago de Chile (Part 1), by Yasha Langford and Juergen Klein. []

A Covenant of Peace

May 6, 2018
Easter 6B
John 15:9-17
Brookside Community Church
8 East Main Street
Brookside, NJ 07926

Covenants are not just contracts, exchanges of property or actions. Covenant are about binding two parties together in a way that creates a new identity. God’s covenant with us is rooted in a promise of peace, since from the very beginning humanity was created to live in covenant partnership with God.

Sermon notes are available here, either in pdf or epub format.

Abide With Me
[Image:,  CC0 Public Domain

[Image:,  CC0 Public Domain

Abide With Me
April 29, 2018
Easter 5B
John 15:1-8
Brookside Community Church

We are truly at home in the places we are fully loved, where we are fully animated by love.The Resurrection frees us to be at home in God’s love. In God’s love we discover who we truly are!

Sermon notes are available here, either in pdf or epub format.

Church as Circus
[Image:   Dimensioni di questa immagine, by Marc Chagall (1887-1985), 1950. Courtesy of, the Internet Collection of Fine Art,…

[Image:   Dimensioni di questa immagine, by Marc Chagall (1887-1985), 1950. Courtesy of, the Internet Collection of Fine Art,]

Beyond Comfort: Church as Circus
Matthew 10:24-39
Pentecost 3A
Pastor Michael Anthony Howard
Brookside Community Church
June 25, 2017

God's love empowers us to risk following Jesus beyond our places of comfort, to bluntly confront the power of death so that it can be exposed and defied.

Sermon notes are available here, either in pdf or ebook format.