Sermon Podcast
The world is not as God intends. The truth at the heart of the gospel is that God has empowered us to change that. This is what the Sabbath is all about.
Jesus’ teachings challenge us not to see ourselves above Creation, but alongside it as kindred earthlings.
When the Bible is turned into a tool to justify violence, faithfulness to God requires us to reread it, contest it, or even resist portions of it.
Truly inclusive Christian communities have the audacity to wrestle with the Bible. That is what it looks like to act with faith in God. They do this by joining with the generations before them and inspiring those who will come after them in the struggle to become faithfully human.
Truly inclusive religious spaces are those that say, “We long for you to be included among us because we cannot fully encounter the mystery of God without you.”
Love is messy. Love is uncontrollable. For most of us, our ability to love grows in seasons. We move from charity to solidarity, and then conversion. We realize that our salvation is caught up in the salvation of others, and then it becomes a force to be reckoned with. Let us be like Jesus, planting seeds of the “kin-dom.”
Covenants are not just contracts, exchanges of property or actions. Covenant are about binding two parties together in a way that creates a new identity. God’s covenant with us is rooted in a promise of peace, since from the very beginning humanity was created to live in covenant partnership with God.
We are truly at home in the places we are fully loved, where we are fully animated by love.The Resurrection frees us to be at home in God’s love. In God’s love we discover who we truly are!
Flags are totems that allow us to imagine and identify with our community. The flags we carry tell the world who we are and what we stand for.
God's love empowers us to risk following Jesus beyond our places of comfort, to bluntly confront the power of death so that it can be exposed and defied.